Privacy Policy

  • 1. General Provisions
  • VideoCrypt guides this Privacy Policy.
  • VideoCrypt considers the personal information of the customer as important and confidential data. We follow the important laws and regulations such as the privacy protection provisions of the 'Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use' (the “Information Communication Network Act”). Through this privacy policy, VideoCrypt informs the user about the collection, usage, and privacy protection of customers' data. The user will receive notice through email from the company on any alteration in the policy.
  • 2. Items and Method of Collection of Personal Information
  • 2.1. Items to be collected
  • For customer consultation, application, membership, and use of service, VideoCrypt needs to collect the following personal information:
  • Required items: Name, account ID, email address, password, company name, and nationality for Service use and business treatment.
  • The following information may be generated and collected:
  • Service usage record, access log, access IP information, information of User condition, the ID of other services for service linkage, device unique number (device ID or IMEI), payment record and use suspension record.
  • The following payment information may be collected in case of paid service:
  • For credit card payment: Name of the credit card company
  • While issuing tax invoices: Name of entity/corporate entity, name of the representative, business license registration number, name of the person in charge, telephone number of the name of the person in charge, business place address, business type, business item, mail for receipt of tax invoices, copy of business license certificate, etc.
  • 2.2. Method of Collection
  • Collect personal information through the homepage of the company, written form, telephone/fax, e-mail, and entry in a giveaway both consent for collection and utilization of the personal information. Collection of information and generation is a course of the ordinary provision where details and history of consultation, payment record, and use record is collected.
  • 3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information to be collected
  • The company use and collect personal information for the purpose as follows:
  • (1) Fees settlement for the performance of contract and Service provision
  • (2) Member management
  • (3) Delivery of notice and Provision of various Services
  • (4) Utilization for information in delivery, advertisement, and marketing for new Service events and development.
  • 4. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information
  • VideoCrypt collects and uses the Personal Information for consultation, membership, and Service application as follows:
  • 4.1. Information is used for the service membership registration date to the withdrawal thereof and keep that up to 6 months. Thereafter for the preparation for fee settlement dispute: Information will be retained until a solution of excessive, failure in payment of service fee or the dispute.
  • Items to behold on (individual): Name, wire/wireless telephone number, address, email, details of fee payment (received amount, charged amount, receipt date, and method of fee payment).
  • Items to be retained (business entity): Corporate name, business license registration number, corporate registration number, business operator name, representative’s name, details of fee payment (received amount, receipt date, invoiced amount, and method of fee payment).
  • Ground for retention: Article 85-3 of the Framework Act on National Tax Retention period: 5 years
  • 4.2 The Company will retain the Personal Information, if retention, as required in applicable laws and regulations, becomes necessary, as follows:
  • Record on conclusion and termination of contract or subscriptions: Retention period – 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce).
  • Record on payment and supply of goods: Retention period – 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce).
  • Record on consumer complaint and dispute handling: Retention period – 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce).
  • Record on collection/processing and use of credit information: Retention period – 3 years (Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information).
  • 5. Procedure and Method of Destruction of Personal Information
  • 5.1 Procedure of Destruction of Personal Information
  • After string information for a certain period and achievement of the purpose of collection and usage, customer information will be destroyed to protect the information under the internal policy and other applicable laws and regulations.
  • 5.2 Method of Destruction of Personal Information
  • VideoCrypt delete all the personal information stored in the form of electric files by using a technological method that makes that information not to be regenerated. VideoCrypt destructs hard copies of personal information by shredding with a pulverizer or incinerating it.
  • 6. Provision and Consignment of Personal Information
  • VideoCrypt uses customer’s personal information within the scope as set forth in ‘the Purpose of Use of Personal Information’ hereof and as expressly set forth in the Terms of Service, and does not provide personal information to a 3rd party beyond such scope except for the cases where the customer consents thereto or the case falls under any of the followings:
  • 6.1 When necessary for service fee payment for the provision of Service.
  • 6.2 When the Personal Information is necessary for the performance of the agreement on Service provision, and normal consent thereto is strikingly difficult to be obtained for economic and technical reasons.
  • 6.3 When required especially by applicable laws and regulations (in such event, the Personal Information will be provided under lawful procedure as prescribed by the laws).
  • In order to improve the Service, the Company consigns the Personal Information to a 3rd party and sets forth necessary matters to secure that the Personal Information will be safely managed while consigning it under applicable laws and regulations.
  • The details of consignee processing agencies and consigned duties are as follows:
  • Consignee Description of consigned duties Period of retention and use of Personal Information
    Google Management and marketing operation of Customer data Until member withdrawal or termination of consignment agreement
    Adroll Management and marketing operation of Customer data Until member withdrawal or termination of consignment agreement
    Ontraport Management and marketing operation of Customer data Until member withdrawal or termination of consignment agreement
    Pay letter Inc. Payment agency  
    Zendesk Inc. Operation of Customer support system  
  • 7. Right and Method to Excercise Rights of User nd Legal Representative
  • 7.1. Members may at any time make an inquiry on and corrections in their personal information registered or request for membership withdrawal. In particular and upon the user’s request for such corrections, the company will not use or provide such personal information until such corrections are completed.
  • 7.2. For such inquiry and correction, members may log in by using their ID and passwords and make corrections in ‘My Account.
  • 7.3. For membership withdrawal, please make an inquiry separately: provided that the withdrawal may be delayed if the member owes any debt to the Company.
  • 7.4. In collecting the Personal Information of children under 14 (the “Children”), VideoCrypt seeks consent from legal representatives of them without fail. VideoCrypt may request the Children to give minimum information, including the name and contact information of legal representatives of them. The legal representatives of them may request for access, correction, and deletion of the children’s personal information through a letter, telephone call, e-mail, and fax, and upon such request, VideoCrypt will take necessary measures without delay.
  • 8. Installation, Operation, and Rejection to Automatic Collection Equipment of Personal Information
  • In order to provide customized Service, VideoCrypt uses ‘Cookie’ which stores and frequently brings about the customer’s information.
  • A cookie is a tiny text file that the server used for website operation sends to the customer’s browser and is stored in the hard disk of the customer’s computer. Then, if the customer visits the website, the website server will read the details of Cookies stored in such a hard disk, and such details will be used for maintaining the customer’s environment set-up and providing customized service.
  • The cookie does not automatically/ actively collect any information identifying individuals, and the customer may reject or delete the storage of cookies at any time.
  • More details may be checked in the Cookie Policy.
  • 9. Technical and Mangerial Measures for Personal Information Protection
  • In order to protect customer’s personal information and handle any complaint related to personal information, VideoCrypt designates the person responsible for personal information as follows:
  • 9.1. Technical Measures
  • In order to prevent any divulge of customer’s personal information through hacking, VideoCrypt carries out blockage and monitoring by using separate security devices (including firewalls, IPS, and server security) from the aspect of network and system blocking external invasion.
  • VideoCrypt takes measures to prevent damage caused by a computer virus by using automatic installment programs for vaccines and patches. Such programs are to be updated on a regular basis, and the patch is applied immediately upon the sudden appearance of a virus for prevention from infringement on personal information. The company uses cryptographic algorithms and adopts security devices (including encryption protocols such as SSL) that safely transmit personal information on the network.
  • 9.2. Managerial Measures
  • VideoCrypt limits the number of personnel who has the right to access to customer’s personal information, and such personnel is as follows:
  • (1) Person carrying out marketing business directly to Users.
  • (2) Person carrying out personal information management duties, including the ones responsible for and in charge of personal information management.
  • (3) Person who has to handle the personal information in its duties.
  • VideoCrypt continues to provide education and cultivate awareness to ensure that the personal information will not be lost, stolen, or divulged by the person handling personal information.
  • The transfer of duties of the person handling personal information is strictly carried out on the condition that security is maintained, and the responsibility for any personal information accident is clarified after employment and resignation.
  • Computer room and data storage room are designated as a special zone, and the access thereto is controlled.
  • VideoCrypt is not responsible for any matters arising out of the mistake of the user or basic internet risks. Each member shall properly manage his or her ID and password and be responsible for such matters in order to protect his or her own personal information. Upon the loss, divulge, alteration, and damage of personal information caused by a mistake or technical/managerial accident of the internal manager, VideoCrypt will promptly inform customers and seek proper measures and compensation.
  • 10. Service for Personal Information Complaint
  • In order to protect customer’s personal information and handle any complaint related to personal information, VideoCrypt designates the person responsible for personal information as follows:
  • Contact Support:
    Department: VideoCrypt Team
    Tel.: +91 - 9717270746
  • The customer may report any personal information related complaint generated from using the service of the company to the responsible person for personal information protection or department in charge thereof, and VideoCrypt will make prompt and sufficient response to such customer’s report.
  • For report and consultation of personal information infringement, please contact the Cyber Crime Investigation Team of the Noida (Gautam Buddha Nagar) Supreme judiciary Office.
  • 11. Miscellaneous
  • Please be informed that this privacy policy does not apply to any act of personal information collection of other websites linked to VideoCrypt.
  • Want more information about safe streaming? Get in touch with us now!

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